Wednesday, March 19, 2008

CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam Tutorial: Antivirus Programs

In the first part of the CompTIA Network + certification examination tutorial, we are on the different types of viruses and other invaders of trying to meddle in our network, such as anti-virus & 39; and & 39; support programs to stop them. Aujourd & 39; Today, we discuss some tips on how to take maximum protection against viruses your anti-program.
I do you recommend an anti-virus program, offers automatic updates. If you are on the manual updates - which focuses on the commitment of & 39; Remember & 39; go and verify whether the updates themselves, taking into account automatically download as soon as updates are available - I can assure you that you will forget to do this, and this can be a fatal error Is your network and your career.
Why is this so important? The 1 flaws and network administrators at the same time owner of the home PC with anti-virus software & 39; n is not to keep the program up-to-date. New viruses are created every minute of every day, anti-virus program and manufacturers such as Symantec, monitoring the situation, looking for new viruses, and in writing, and virus signature updates definitions Virus regularly. (Signatures A virus is the binary model for a virus, and how your signature identified a virus signature d & 39; identify the virus.) & 39; That is not enough for the producers to implement these updates - they have for download on your computer Servers.
Most providers and offer a kind of automatic downloading of virus definitions, so that when new updates are created, they are automatically downloaded by the anti - virus. For example, offer Symantec LiveUpdate to download new virus definitions to their popular Norton AntiVirus program, if the news are available. Another popular antivirus software, Kaspersky AntiVirus, several new viruses download updates several times a day! Identify and to & 39; writing new virus definition to defend against them, c & 39; is a never-ending battle, make sure you have the latest updates cost protection.
These l & 39 ; money, but it is of & 39; money well spent. Most manufacturers & 39; anti-virus, type 30 or 60 days of updates, but then you must take out a subscription for service.
Regardless the anti-virus program that you choose, I ask you, automatic updates, if available. How busy we receive, it is easy to forget that these important updates, and they are too important to you forgotten.
The viruses are totally unprotected from & 39; unknown, and the only way for your network and servers Guests to learn about new viruses is that & 39; she updated!
Don & 39; t eingeschl fert into a false sense of security, they see that all your servers and the latest updates. Each of workstations and servers on your network to be an anti-virus program with the latest updates. I know that neither you or I have the time, walking, for each workstation every day this examination, I advise you d & 39; separate recording two PCs on your network every day. It only takes a few minutes, and when you see a PC with outdated definitions, it is likely that other computers on the network have the same problem. Believe me, c & 39; is a problem you want to solve now.
When AntiVirus you configure the software, you can set up a time when a virus scan should run on the host & 39;, and that the files are scanned for viruses. If your network of computers & 39; remain in the night, in the anti-virus program to scan a full 1 is a great idea.
If a host or server resulted in a large number of files to be scanned at all both, you can now choose what files are Gescannt. D & 39; first, in fact, your entire list of files with the extension & 39;. Com,. Exe,. Ocx,. Dll. These are all executable files, the main objectives and virus carriers. Personally, I want a host scanning Microsoft Word documents as well, since these files are from user to user & 39; more frequently than & 39; n any other file type.
Additionally, network, most people were in a situation where they have to & 39; l Auszuschalten anti-virus program, and you may have installed on your own computer on which the program & 39; installation prompts you to turn The anti-virus program off.
If software download d & 39; a supplier not know you know that, if you have to put his request on anti-virus program that you trust to the health of your network. Maybe you ask to turn it off, to check the & 39; software installation, and perhaps are they asking you to disable this function, c & 39; is easier than downloading a virus .
Legitimate provider times do you have an anti-virus in the course of a & 39; Installation of the software. Personally, I & 39; analysis of & 39; a disk or downloaded file before starting the installation & 39;, and I recommend, so good. And then, if the anti-virus & 39; off ... Make sure you deliver. L & 39; I saw once a network, because a virus to start on a server e-mail, which had infected a day earlier - and that the infection & 39; s & 39; is produced, if & 39; admin, anti-virus off, a program to be installed on the server, and then forget, put it back. The next morning, the server was Toast. Do not worry, you or your servers.
Knowing the foundations of anti-virus & 39; is largely preparation of programmes for the transfer of your CompTIA Network + certification examination, but, as you can see, it is also essential to the protection of the real world, networks, you and I are in the supplement. Keep your virus definitions up-to-date!
Chris Bryant, CCIE 12933, the owner of The Bryant Advantage, home to more than 100 certification testing free & 39; course of instruction, including CCNA and CCNP tutorials. CompTIA Network +, Security + and A + certification tutorials are available, too!
Visit his blog and sign up for certification Central, a letter of daily information & 39; CCNA, Network +, Security +, A +, certification and CCNP & 39; consideration to the practical matters! A free 7 pieces course & quot; How To Pass The NACC & quot; available.
Coming is also in 2007 - Microsoft Vista, certification of The Bryant Advantage! chauncey geoffrey

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