Wednesday, April 2, 2008

File Management Tools

File management tools consist of routines that perform a variety of generalized operations on data files. These routines are written generally which means they are data-independent. Some common file tools are as follows: Sorting : The purpose of the sorting is to arrange the record present in the file into specific order. This sequence is done with a specific field known as the key field. The key field is one, which has unique value for each record. For example, the student file can be arranged according to the roll number because the roll number is always unique for each student. Searching: It is the process of finding the particular record in the file. The efficiency of the search algorithm depends upon the file organizations. For example, in sequential file organization, for searching a record we have to scan the file sequentially. So, for searching the record number N, we have to compare all the previous N-1 records. Sequential method is very slow as compared to the direct file organization in which, we can directly access the desired record. Merging : Merging of files means combining two or more files into a single file. Each of the constituent files must be in the same order, though the record layouts of files need not to be identical. Coping: File copying routines are provided for producing an exact copy of a file, either from one unit of storage device into into another similar unit. These are mostly used for taking the backup of the files. Printing : It is a routine used to print the contents of the file in the printer. File contents may be reproduced in different formats on the printer if there is a difference in the internal and external formats. Labeling : Files held on a storage device are identified by a special block of data, held as the first block on the file. This block, called the file label, contains certain control information enabling the file contents to be identified and may also contain additional information about the storage unit itself such as data when the unit was last updated, serial number etc.
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